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Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the class: 1.What determines a person’s class in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the class: 1.What determines a person’s class in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the class: 1.What determines a person’s class in the United States today?

2 Chapter 7 The French Revolution and Napoleon 1789-1815


4 European Feudalism

5 The Old Regime: The 3 Estates3 Estates –1 st Estate: Clergy Less than 1% of pop Owned 10% of land 2% of income taxed Did not like Enlightenment ideas –2 nd Estate: Nobles 2% of pop Owned 30% of land Paid no taxes Mixed feelings about Enlightenment ideas Most important gov’t jobs –3 rd Estate: bourgeoisie, urban workers, peasants 98% of pop 50% of income taxed No power to influence gov’t Believed in Enlightenment ideas (bourgeoisie) Resent wealthy 1 st & 2 nd Estates Section 1 French Revolution Begins Clergy: priests Nobles: wealthy land owners, titles “Lord” “Duke” “Count”, based on family name bourgeoise: educated middle class- bankers, factory owners, merchants, teachers, lawyers Urban: city Resent: to not like, to be “bitter”

6 The Three Estates First EstateSecond Estate Third Estate Made up of: Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church Made up of: Wealthy nobles Made up of: Bourgeoisie, urban lower class, peasant farmers Attitude toward Enlightenment ideas: Did not like them Attitude toward Enlightenment ideas: Mixed feelings Attitude toward Enlightenment ideas: Agreed with them Create this chart in your notebook and fill it out with your neighbor

7 Causes of French Revolution –Old order 3 rd Estate is fed up with high taxes and no say in gov’t –Enlightenment Ideas Questioned traditions of power & authority Inspired by American Revolution –Economic Troubles High taxes hurt business Crop failures caused bread prices to rise Debt from wars and extravagant spending –Weak leadership Louis XVI put off taking care of business –Did not listen to advisors Marie Antoinette gave bad advice & was not liked by the people –Extravagant spending Increased taxes on 2 nd Estate to solve econ problems extravagant: wasteful, too much, over doing it

8 The French Revolution Begins The Three Estates 1 st 7 2 nd Estate had priviliges not granted to the 3 rd Estate (98% of pop) Heavily taxed and discontented, 3 rd Estate was eager for change Enlightenment Ideas Ppl of the 3 rd Estate began questioning long standing ideas about gov’t and spoke of equality and liberty Economic Crisis Heavy tax burned, high prices, food shortages, and extravagant spending by the king and queen fueled discontent Weak Leadership Indecisive king put off dealing with the crisis until it was too late Describe how each of the following contributed to the revolutionary mood in France

9 Dawn of Revolution –2 nd Estate forced Louis to call a meeting of the Estates-General to approve new tax 1 st meeting in 175 yrs Representatives from 3 estates met separately –Each estate had one vote 3 rd Estate wanted all reps to meet together – each rep to have a vote King & 2 nd Estate say NO! 3 rd Estate forms National Assembly –Begin to create to create a constitution for a representative gov’t –Locked out and met in a tennis courtcourt –Louis gives in to their demands Louis sends guards to surround Versailles –Rumors spread & a mob storms the Bastille on July 14 in search of gun powderBastille –Becomes symbolic act of revolution –Chaos spreads Peasants attack 1 st & 2 nd estates Women riot over bread prices Royal family forced to Paris Dawn: the begining Versailles : royal palace outside of Paris

10 Causes of the French Revolution Meeting of the Estates-General Delegates of the 3 rd Estate refused to be dominated by the clergy & nobles and asserted their independence Establishment of the National Assembly Marked the end of absolute monarch and the beginning of representative gov’t Tennis Court Oath In response, the king gives in to the demands of the National Assembly Storming of the Bastille Fall of the Bastille in to the control of French common people became a symbolic act of revolution Describe how each of the following events led to the French Revolution

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