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The Constitution of the United States USDA, APHIS March 2006.

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1 The Constitution of the United States USDA, APHIS March 2006

2 The U.S. Constitution Overview The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government Purpose of Federal Government: Purpose of Federal Government: Establish justice Establish justice Insure domestic tranquility Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Promote the general welfare Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

3 The U.S. Constitution Overview cont’d Three main principles on which our Government is based: Three main principles on which our Government is based: 1. Inherent rights 2. Self government 3. Separation of powers

4 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge 1. The number of main branches in our government is: A. 6 A. 6 B. 18 B. 18 C. 9 C. 9 D. 3 D. 3 1 of 15

5 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 1: d. 3 There are 3 separate branches in our government: 1-Legislative, which makes the laws 1-Legislative, which makes the laws 2-Judicial, which interprets the laws 2-Judicial, which interprets the laws 3-Executive, which enforces/executes the laws 3-Executive, which enforces/executes the laws

6 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 2. The legislative branch of our government is called: A. The Cabinet B. Congress C. Supreme Court D. The FBI 2 of 15

7 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 2: b. Congress The Congress or legislative branch is the focus of Article 1 of the Constitution and is the longest “article.”

8 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 3. Laws for the United States are made by: A. The President B. The Senate C. Congress D. The Supreme Court 3 of 15

9 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 3: c. Congress Article 1, Section 1: “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

10 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 4. The length of term of members of the House of Representatives is: A. 2 years A. 2 years B. 6 years B. 6 years C. 4 years C. 4 years D. 5 years D. 5 years 4 of 15

11 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 4: a. 2 years Since the House of Representatives is the “people’s house,” it was important for the Founding Fathers to have this house change its representation more often to be more democratic.

12 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 5. Senators are now elected by: A. State legislatures A. State legislatures B. The House of Representatives B. The House of Representatives C. State electors C. State electors D. The people D. The people 5 of 15

13 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 5: d. The people The U.S. Senators were elected by the various state legislatures until 1913 when that election procedure was changed by the 17 th Amendment: “The Senate of the U.S….elected by the people…”

14 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 6. The Constitution forbids States to: A. Make laws A. Make laws B. Coin money B. Coin money C. Use a sales tax C. Use a sales tax D. Take a state census D. Take a state census 6 of 15

15 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 6: b. Coin money This Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1, was created to correct the tremendous amount of economic instability of the country when each state could print its own money.

16 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 7. The longest possible time a person could now serve as President is: A. 4 years A. 4 years B. 8 years B. 8 years C. 10 years C. 10 years D. 12 years D. 12 years 7 of 15

17 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 7: c. 10 years Amendment 22: No person can be elected to the office of President more than twice or serve more than 2 years of a term to which some other person was elected President.

18 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 8. Questions about interpreting the Constitution are finally settled by: A. The Supreme Court B. The U.S. District Courts C. The President D. The Circuit Courts of Appeals 8 of 15

19 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 8: a. The Supreme Court The power of “judicial review” by the Supreme Court was established in 1803. The Court conferred upon itself the power to review actions by the President or laws passed by Congress in terms of constitutionality.

20 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 9. Congress may propose an amendment to the Constitution whenever: A. Either House wants the amendment A. Either House wants the amendment B. Two-thirds of both Houses wants it B. Two-thirds of both Houses wants it C. The Senate wants it C. The Senate wants it D. The President wants it D. The President wants it 9 of 15

21 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 9: b. 2/3 of both Houses want it One of the major reasons for the Constitution’s longevity is its flexibility. Article V says, “The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution…”

22 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 10. The number of departments the President has in his cabinet is: A. 2 A. 2 B. 15 B. 15 C. 8 C. 8 D. 10 D. 10 10 of 15

23 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 10: b. 15 The tradition of the Cabinet dates back to the beginnings of the Presidency itself. One of the principal purposes of the Cabinet (Article II, Section 2) is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of their respective offices, such Secretary of Agriculture Johanns on Agricultural issues.

24 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 11. The Constitution guarantees to every State: A. Legal help B. A republican form of government C. A pension system D. Freedom to make any law it wishes 11 of 15

25 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 11: b. A republican form of government This type establishes the power of the people to elect representatives to run the government. Article 4, Section 4.

26 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 12. Judges of the Supreme Court must be nominated by: A. The Senate B. The President C. The Vice-President D. The House of Representatives 12 of 15

27 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 12: b. The President Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2: “He [the President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate…appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States…”

28 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 13. The President is elected if he: A. Wins a majority of the electoral votes B. Wins most of the country’s vote C. Wins all of the States’ votes D. Wins most of the States’ votes 13 of 15

29 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 13: a. Wins a majority of the electoral votes Article 2, Section 1, Clause 3: “The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority for the whole Number of Electors appointed…”

30 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 14. The executive branch of our government is headed by: A. The Chief Justice B. The Speaker of the House C. The Secretary of State D. The President 14 of 15

31 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 14: d. The President All of the powers and responsibilities of the President are found in Article 2 of the Constitution.

32 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d 15. The number of Senators each State shall have is: A. 2 A. 2 B. 3 B. 3 C. 1 C. 1 D. 5 D. 5 15 of 15

33 U.S. Constitution Test Your Knowledge cont’d Answer 15: a. 2 Article 1, Section 3, Clause 1: “The Senate for the United States shall be composed of 2 Senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof, for 6 years; and each Senator shall have one vote.”

34 U.S. Constitution To learn more about the Constitution of the United States, go to: Text of the Constitution Text of the Constitution The Writing of the Constitution The Writing of the Constitution Ways of Amending the Constitution Ways of Amending the Constitution Constitution Trivia Constitution Trivia

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