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Interactive Notebook Your Key to Success in Geography/Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Notebook Your Key to Success in Geography/Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Notebook Your Key to Success in Geography/Social Studies

2 Have you ever heard yourself say...

3 Get it together with your

4 What is an Interactive Notebook? A personalized textbook A working portfolio – all of your notes, classwork, quizzes – in one convenient spot.

5 The Basics: Left-side/Right-Side An open notebook can be seen as a two page spread. For our purposes, a two page spread is one lesson. Left-Side Left is for learning. The left is for teacher input- notes, articles, questions. This page is for the information given to you by Mrs. Conley. Right-Side Right is for reflection. The right is for student output- graphic organizers, drawings, interpretive writing. Any creative way for you to demonstrate your understanding of the content on the left side.

6 Examples of Left Side Assignments Articles to read Notes Graphic Organizers Questions

7 Examples of Right Side Assignments Ideas for Interactive Student Notebooks (from History Alive) 1. Advertisements 2. Illustrations 3. Book or Compact Disk Covers – 4. Caricatures 5. Flow Charts 6. Forms of Poetry 7. Historical Journals 8. Illustrated Dictionary Entries – explain key terms by created illustrated dictionary entries. Write a definition, provide a synonym and an antonym, and draw an illustration to represent each term.

8 9. Illustrated Outlines – use simple drawings and symbols to graphically highlight or organize class notes. 10. Illustrated Timelines – create illustrated timelines to sequence a series of events in chronological order. 11. Invitations – design invitations that highlight the main goals and key facts of important historical events. 12. Making Connections Outside the Classroom – after completing an activity, find examples outside of class of the topic or concept studied. 13. Metaphorical Representations – create metaphorical representations to explain difficult or abstract historical concepts. 14. Mind Notes – draw and label outlines of the heads of important historical figures. Fill in the outline with quotations and paraphrased thoughts from the figure. 15. Mosaics – synthesize information from a broad content area by creating mosaics. Use visuals and words to represent similarities, differences, and important concepts.

9 16. Perspective Pieces – design drawings or write newspaper articles to represent different perspectives on controversial figures, events, and concepts. 17. Pictowords – create pictowords (symbolic representations of words or phrases that show their meaning) to help define difficult concepts. 18. Political Cartoons and Comic Strips – create political cartoons and comic strips to provide social or political commentary on important historical events. 19. Postcards – after studying specific content, write postcards to summarize information about places or events. 20. Posters – draw posters to emphasize key points about political ideas, a political figure’s point of view, or reasons behind important historical events. 21. Report Card – used graded evaluations to assess the policies of leaders or governments.

10 22. Sensory Figures – create sensory figures (simple drawings of prominent historical figures with descriptions of what they might be seeing, hearing, saying, feeling, or doing) to show the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of historical figures. 23. Spoke Diagrams – create spoke diagrams as a visual alternative to outlining. 24. T-Charts – create T-charts to compare classroom experiences with historical details, to look at advantages and disadvantages of a topic, or to compare and contrast two different items. 25. Venn Diagrams – create Venn diagrams to compare and contrast people, concepts, places, or groups. 26. “What If?” Statements – use “what if?” statements to apply newfound knowledge to hypothetical historical situations.


12 Advertisements

13 Illustrated Outlines

14 Sensory Figures


16 Concept Map

17 Acrostics

18 Comic Strips

19 Venn Diagram

20 Student Materials 1. Spiral notebook 2. Colored pencils/crayons 3. Glue stick 4. Clear tape 5. Pen and pencil 6. Scissors

21 Maintaining the Interactive Notebook No ripped out pages or torn corners. No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes. No markers to be used in the notebook. Date, Title and number each page.

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