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The Sentence: What am I? Phrase, Clause, Independent, Dependent.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sentence: What am I? Phrase, Clause, Independent, Dependent."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sentence: What am I? Phrase, Clause, Independent, Dependent

2  Declarative (statement): Mrs. Bevill teaches English at Hamilton High School.  Interrogative (question): Where does Mrs. Bevill teach?  Imperative (command): Learn these sentences.  Exclamatory (strong feeling): Mrs. Bevill is the most exciting and influential teacher! Types of Sentences

3  Phrase: NO subject AND verb  Prepositional phrase: in the store  I found my purse in the store  Verb phrase: Walking into the store, made me realize  Walking into the store made me realize I had forgotten my purse.  Noun phrase: the cold winter season  The cold winter season will bring snow. Phrase or Clause? That is the question!

4  Dependent clause: it has a subject and verb BUT does not express a complete thought and CANNOT stand alone as a sentence  Independent clause: it has a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought and CAN stand alone Clause (not Santa Claus or claws) A CLAUSE contains a subject AND a verb.

5  A dependent clause usually begins with a subordinating conjunction.  What’s missing?  because I like to play soccer  although I prefer to eat chocolate  before I began my book  where I left my purse Dependent Clause

6  An independent clause IS a complete sentence!  1 independent clause is a.k.a. (also known as) a simple sentence.  The dog runs.  I like you.  The students go to the assemblies in the gym. Independent Clause

7  A compound sentence consists of 2 or more independent (simple) sentences.  They are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but) punctuation, or both.  I walk to school, and my friends ride the bus.  I said I write poems; I didn’t say I was a poet. Compound, Complex and Compound Complex

8  A complex sentence contains 1 independent clause and 1 or more dependent clauses.  Mrs. Bevill laughs when she makes a mistake.  Because I like chocolate, I only eat a little so I don’t gain weight.  I wore a jacket today because it’s cold.  I brought my purse so that I can shop. Complex Sentences

9  A compound-complex sentence consists of two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.  Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I haven't found anyone to go with.  We decided that the movie was too violent, but our children, who like to watch scary movies, thought that we were wrong. Compound Complex

10  It’s a run-on if you have 2 independent clauses BUT:  No conjunction  No punctuation  No punctuation and conjunction  Too many conjunctions  It’s a fragment if:  It’s a lonely dependent clause  It’s missing a subject or verb (just a phrase)  It has neither subject or verb Run-on or Fragment????

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