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IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731

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Presentation on theme: "IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731"— Presentation transcript:

1 IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU Dr Eszter Telek IPR-Insights Consulting Intellectual property rights Basic features

2 IPR basic features Intellectual property rights Copyright + Industrial rights = Intellectual property rights Intellectual: creative human activity Property: special form of ownership Other characteristics: negative, exclusive, absolute IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

3 IPR basic features Areas of IPR Copyright Industrial rights Patents Trademarks Designs Etc. IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

4 IPR basic features Outline of copyright Protection of artistic, literary, musical works Protection of the form, expression Copyright applies to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete Idea, conception, theory not protected Individual connection between the author and the work Subjective elements Homogeneous field Baselines: Creator Work Exclusive rights Ipso iure protection Protection for long (definite) period IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

5 IPR basic features Outline of industrial rights Protection of scientific, technological works Not so tight connection between the creator and the work More objective assessment Stronger economic-financial aspects Heterogeneous field Protection is granted by the state/official body For a fixed (not so long) period of time * * trademark! IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

6 IPR basic features Outline of industrial rights - Patent Invention New Inventive Industrially applicable - EU (in any segment of technology) Certain subject areas are excluded: Discovery, theory, business methods, mental acts etc. – as such IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

7 IPR basic features Outline of industrial rights - Patent Formalities Registration Patent application Claims Defining the invention Examination Fee Exclusive rights are granted by the patent office For the patentee To use the patented invention For definite period Prevent others from using the invention IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

8 IPR basic features Outline of industrial rights - Trademark Distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual or legal entity to identify its products and/or services (1) a „sign” (2) capable of “graphical representation” (3) with a distinguishing capability Word, logo, slogan, name, number, sound, smell etc. Types Word mark Figurative mark Primary function of a trademark is to serve as indication of origin (ECJ) a trademark must have a distinctive character => must not be generic/descriptive and must not be identical or confusingly similar to other trademarks used for same or similar types of goods or services IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

9 IPR basic features Outline of industrial rights - Trademark Formalities In most jurisdictions through use and registration EU: registration Duration – potentially perpetual Geographical scope Main rule: only where used/registered Exemption : Well-known marks Exclusive right of the trademark owner to use the trademark in the course of trade IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

10 IPR basic features Levels of protection International EC/EU Domestic IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

11 IPR basic features International level General conventions Berne Convention 1886 Intellectual rights; literary and artistic works Paris Convention 1883 Industrial rights; patents, trademarks and design rights Berne Convention and Paris Convention – administered by WIPO TRIPs 1994 IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

12 IPR basic features Copyright - Berne Convention Intellectual rights; Literary and Artistic Works 1886 Last amendment: 1979 164 members Basic principles: minimum requirements to copyright protection, no extra-territorial effect of national legislation principle of national treatment (nondiscrimination), no formal requirements for protection IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

13 IPR basic features Industrial rights - Paris Convention Industrial rights; Patents, Trademarks and design rights 1883 Last amendment: 1979 173 members Basic principles: No extra-territorial effect of national legislation, principle of national treatment (nondiscrimination), Minimum requirement to national legislation etc. IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

14 IPR basic features General IPRs - TRIPs Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 1994 Background; negotiations in GATT WTO (now: 140 countries) established in 1993 and TRIPs entered into force in1995 Minimum requirements to national legislation on IPR and enforcement of IPR scope is to bring up level of protection in developing countries ECJ may interpret and enforce TRIPs IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

15 IPR basic features International level – Copyright Berne Convention 1886 Rome Convention 1961 performing artists and sound recordings TRIPS Agreement 1994 WIPO Copyright Treaty 1996 WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty 1996 IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

16 IPR basic features International level – Industrial rights Patent Paris Convention 1883 Patent Co-operation Treaty 1970 European Patent Convention 1973 EU and non-EU countries Trademark Paris Convention 1883 Madrid Agreement 1891 Madrid Protocol 1989 IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

17 IPR basic features EU level EU and national IPR-laws – there is no exclusive EU competence There is no separate EU IPR-policy Internal market relevance Gradation Fragmentation Subsidiarity Cultural aspects Strong political interests Regulation Horizontal Non-horizontal IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

18 IPR basic features EU level - Copyright Directive 91/250/EEC Legal protection of computer programs Directive 92/100/EEC Rental right and lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in the field of intellectual property Directive 93/83/EEC The coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission Directive 93/98/EEC Harmonizing the term of protection of copyright and certain related rights Directive 96/9/EC Legal protection of databases Directive 2001/29/EC The Info.soc. Directive Directive 2001/84/EC Resale right for the benefit of the author of an original work of art Directive 2004/48/EC Enforcement of intellectual property rights IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

19 IPR basic features EU level – Industrial rights Trademarks: Directive 89/104/EEC to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks Regulation 40/94/EEC on the Community trademark Patents: Directive 1998/44/EC on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions COM(2002) 92 Final Proposal for a directive on the patentability of computer- implemented inventions Design rights: Directive 98/71/EEC on the legal protection of designs Regulation 6-2002 on Community designs IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU

20 IPR basic features IPR-INSIGHTS CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 1116 BUDAPEST, KONDORFA U. 10. TEL.: (+36-1) 204-7730 FAX: (+36-1) 204-7731 E-MAIL: INFO@IPR-INSIGHTS.HU WWW.IPR-INSIGHTS.HU Thank you for your kind attention!

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