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Push & Pull Factors Both push factors and pull factors drive people to move to a new country.

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Presentation on theme: "Push & Pull Factors Both push factors and pull factors drive people to move to a new country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Push & Pull Factors Both push factors and pull factors drive people to move to a new country.

2 Pull Factor Something that encourages people to move to a new place.

3 Push Factor Something that encourages people to leave a place behind.

4 Push factors give people good reason to leave unpleasant circumstances in their home country. Such factors include war and poverty, discrimination, and famine.

5 emigrate To move from a country. People who leave a country are called emigrants.

6 Pull factors attract people to a new place and encourage them to immigrate there. These factors include freedom and opportunities for a better life.

7 immigrate To move to a country. People who move to another country are called immigrants.

8 The first great wave of immigration began with the founding of the United States. These early immigrants came mostly from northern and western Europe.

9 Many were escaping from poverty or hunger.

10 Persecution is unfair treatment of people because of who they are or what they believe.

11 The Potato Famine In the 1840s, a devastating plant disease struck Ireland. A fungus destroyed Ireland’s most important crop, the potato.

12 Potatoes had been the main food of the Irish
Potatoes had been the main food of the Irish. Without enough potatoes, people faced starvation.

13 In response to this crisis, 1. 5 million people left Ireland
In response to this crisis, 1.5 million people left Ireland. A great many of these Irish emigrants came to the United States.

14 The most common push factors are economic
The most common push factors are economic. Most of the early immigrants to the U.S. were poor farmers or working people.

15 Education is a strong pull factor in immigration
Education is a strong pull factor in immigration. Many families migrate so that their children can attend good schools.

16 Examples of Push Factors
Religious Persecution To escape the class system in England Food shortage Over population Lack of resources

17 Examples of Pull Factors
Religious Freedom Potential of owning land Job opportunities Abundant resources

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