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The history of the Internet

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Presentation on theme: "The history of the Internet"— Presentation transcript:

1 The history of the Internet
A presentation made by Caroline Lönn and Linda Virkkala

2 Internet in the early stage

3 Todays topics Development of packet switching and ARPAnet
Development of network of networks – internetting The Internet explosion

4 Development of packet switching and ARPAnet 1960-1972
Connect computers independently of geographical distance? Packet switching = divide data, send individually and put together. Developed by three research groups; MIT, Rand institute and National Physical Laboratory

5 Development of packet switching and ARPAnet 1962-1970
Connection between sender and receiver  network ARPAnet Interface message processors (IMPs), the early packet switches 4 nodes installed in 1969 in UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford and University of Utah 1972; 15 nodes and application developments

6 Development of network of networks – internetting 1972-1980
Additional networks ALOHAnet Telenet Cyclades Etc. Need for connecting the networks – internetting First version of TCP Developments in ALOHAnet, Ethernet and LAN

7 Development of network of networks – internetting 1980-1990
Tremendous growth in the 80s Developments in BITNET; and file transfer CSNET; liked universities without ARPAnet New standard host protocol; TCP Minitel – predecessor to the Internet

8 The Internet explosion 1990s
ARPAnet closes down Launch of World Wide Web The Web – a platform with 4 key components HTML HTTP Web server Web browser Mosaic, Netscape and Internet Explorer

9 The Internet explosion 1990s
A lot of Internet products and services – many innovation. The best applications The Web, commerce and web browsing Instant messaging Peer-to-peer file sharing Developed by research teams and young entrepreneurs Internet stock collapsed

10 The Internet explosion recent developments
Three areas that deserve extra attention High-speed access networking, incl. WiFi Safety P2P networkning Some applications worth mentioning Skype Youtube BitTorrent

11 Summary Development of packet switching and ARPAnet
Development of network of networks – internetting The Internet explosion

12 Internet today?

13 The history of the Internet
A presentation made by Caroline Lönn and Linda Virkkala

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