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History What is it? Why is history important? How does history change over time? How can we organize history?

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Presentation on theme: "History What is it? Why is history important? How does history change over time? How can we organize history?"— Presentation transcript:


2 History What is it? Why is history important? How does history change over time? How can we organize history?

3 What is the importance of the Roman Coloseum?

4 Who was Alexander the Great? Son? Leader? Warrior? Friend? Foe? Teenager? Hero?

5 What if America lost the REVOLUTION? Where would you be today? Who would you be loyal to? What money system would be in effect? What would be our major income?

6 How can we study history for understanding? Better understanding comes from “chunking” events into pieces. These PIECES are called: Thematic Strands---- There are 10 of them!

7 How do we organize history? 19702009 ThenNow Milk$1.15$4.05 Bread$.58$2.89 Gas$.36$2.59 Bubble map timeline Cause and effect Then and Now

8 Theme 1: Conflict and Cooperation Answers the questions: 1. What is legitimate authority? 2. Why are there conflicts in the world? (bias/ prejudices) 3. How do rules/ laws organize people? Institution: a long-lasting pattern of organization in a community.

9 Conflict Resolution Examples: Peer mediation Amending the Constitution UN talks

10 Theme 2: Civic Ideals, Practices, and Engagement Answers the questions: 1. What is the role of the citizen? 2. What are social needs? 3. What are common goals among societies? (The common good)

11 Theme 3 People, Places, and Environment

12 Geographic perspectives The study of the environment and its effect on people.

13 Geographic perspectives Peoples effect on the environment.

14 Theme 4 Material Wants and Needs (Production, Distribution, and Consumption) Answers the questions: 1. What is the difference between wants and needs? 2. What is the role of money? 3. How has conflict effected resources?

15 Theme 4 continued 4. How have economic systems changed? * Supply/ demand * Goods/ services *Money Management

16 Theme 5 Cultural Development, Interaction, and Change Answers the questions: 1. What is the role of tradition? 2. How has ethnocentrism impacted history? 3. How do societies differ in culture?

17 Theme 5 continued Culture: a people’s unique way of life. Cultural Diffusion: The spreading and sharing of ideas. Independent origination: The development of ideas at the same time without contact. * Key concepts: beliefs, values, and traditions.

18 Theme 6 Global Transformation: answers the questions: 1. What is the impact of early empire building? 2. How do we balance human rights and cultural traditions? 3. How have nations become interdependent?

19 Global connections The international community Example: The UN Working together to solve problems: 1. That effect all 2. Help those who can not help themselves.

20 Theme 7 Science, Technology, and Society: Answers the questions: What are the pros and cons that result from advancements in science and technology? How does society benefit or suffer from these new developments? What social consequences result from these types of advancements?

21 Theme 7 continued Are we a technology driven society? How do we know this?

22 What are Social Consequences? Does everyone have an equal opportunity to experience technology? Equal Opportunities: 1. Medicine – Health Issues. 2. School 3. For Granted Items 4. Movies (Y&N)

23 Who benefits? Things to think about: 1. Who benefits from scientific and technological innovations? 2. What are the real costs of new technologies?

24 Equal Opportunity…

25 Summary (intent of technology) 2. Makes Life Better. Key concepts: 1. Solves a problem.

26 Theme 8 Individualism, Equality, and Authority: Answers the questions: 1. What is the gap between the rich and the poor? 2. How do we balance the rights of an individual vs. the rights of a group? MC Different types of Hierarchies:

27 The Have’s vs. the Have Nots! How does social status or social class impact a society? What is equality? What is authority? How do schools, churches, and governments influence people and society?

28 Example of the different roles in society:

29 Theme 9 Patterns of Social and Political Interaction: Focus of theme is: Changing patterns of class, ethnicity, race, and gender in social and political relationships. Answers the questions: Why is it important for people to be treated equally? How have societies limited or encourages social movements? Why do humans engage in ethnic cleansing?

30 Examples

31 Theme 10 Human Expression and Communication: (culture) 1. When studying culture, we look at similarities and differences within groups of people.

32 Cultural Developments Language Literature The arts (Theatre, sculpture, paintings….) Traditions Behavior Patterns Individual Environments Personal Perceptions What is the role of “Popular Culture” in society?

33 Resources ives/stock%20exchange.jpg ives/stock%20exchange.jpg

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