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People A friend you haven’t seen in a long time An intelligent person you know An actor An old person A person who helped you Describe an interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "People A friend you haven’t seen in a long time An intelligent person you know An actor An old person A person who helped you Describe an interesting."— Presentation transcript:






6 People A friend you haven’t seen in a long time An intelligent person you know An actor An old person A person who helped you Describe an interesting conversation with a stranger Someone you had a good time with A famous person

7 Places A place where you learned about another culture A park A restaurant A place you wanna visit that’s not in your country A time you moved to a new school / home A tourist attraction House or apartment you like An old building you visited A place by water

8 EVENTS An occasion when you forgot something An occasion you were busy An important event A positive experience when you were a teenager A decision that took a long time to make A future plan A group activity you took part in A special meal

9 OBJECTS A subject which people ask you about A type of sport you do A wild animal Something you learned in times of hardship An advertisement A gift you received when you were a child A popular product made in your country Something you saved money to buy An old object in your family A film you disliked A subject / course you took

10 Something that helped you to learn a second language A Season you like An important letter you received A type of clothing you wear on special occasions A piece of art A sports competition you took part in A family business Something you can’t live without A book A photo A website A TV program

11 换题须知 40%-50% 老题的 variation EG. A film about history, A film about the future, A film about a real person or Event A book you like to read A book you would recommend to others 物品话题最多,事件话题第二,地点第三, 人物最少

12 口语母题

13 为什么我分数低? 1. 你的语言有长度吗? 2. 你的词汇有习语使用么? 3. 你有没有用连接词和逻辑标语? 4. 你有没有复杂结构,深层次逻辑呈现? 5. 你的语言有没有范儿? 6. 你是不是卡壳卡的跟你边用快播下载影 视作品边听我的课一样?



16 我的每一分努力 能给你带来多一 份感动. What keeps me going is knowing that a little bit more from me will touch a little more of you.


18 雅思口语 10 种题型 - 喜好题 - 个人习惯题 - 个人偏好题 - 客观比较题 (part 3) - 观点题 (part 1&3) - 解释性题 - 普遍题 - 未来计划题 - 问题解决方案题 (part 3) - 探测性问题

19 Do you prefer shopping in large department stores or in small shops? Do you prefer spending time with family or friends? Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?

20 Do you like A or B? 思路: My preference would be A, because A 说出他的好, whereas B 有什么好处, but B 存在什么问 题你不选它.

21 Do you prefer shopping in large department stores or in small shops? My preference would be shopping in large department stores because large department stores have more choices, whereas small shops are convenient but it doesn’t have the things I want.

22 Do you prefer shopping in large department stores or in small shops? My preference would be shopping in large department stores because large department stores offer a better selection and there’s promotional events which can enhance my shopping experience, whereas small shops are cheaper, but it lacks variety and there’s no guarantee for quality.

23 Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? My preference would be eating at home because I feel that eating at home is money-saving and there’s an insurance for the food quality, whereas when I eating out offers more choices and it’s hassle-free, but speaking from a frugal perspective, I think it’s costly.

24 Do you prefer traveling abroad or in your country?

25 Part 2

26 An important event Describe an event that had a big change on your life What it was What you did What happened Why was it a big change for you

27 郑仁翔 ’s Bad Answers An important event that changed my life was the first time I ate sheep kidney. It really changed my life. It made me stronger and longer, at the same time it taste so good. I love sheep kidney so much that I even changed my English name to Kidney.

28 An important event that had a big change in my life was doing some volunteer work in 2008. I was part of a group of high school students that volunteered to help out in the reconstruction efforts after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. So many people died and many towns and villages were destroyed. They were short of hands so we went there to help take care of orphans. At that time I was like 17 years old so I didn’t have a lot of experience but I still wanted to challenge my self to do this task. Before going, we received some training regarding how to communicate with the kids and give them proper counseling. It was a big change for me because it helped me to see the world from another perspective and you know the conditions were really bad and I had to cope with all the difficulties of staying there. It was a rewarding experience for me and I learned to cherish everything and I learned about the importance of not taking things for granted.

29 A positive experience Describe a positive experience you had when you were a teenager What it was What you did Who was with you Why was it a positive experience

30 A positive experience I had when I was a teenager was being a volunteer. in 2008. I was part of a group of high school students that volunteered to help out in the reconstruction efforts after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. So many people died and many towns and villages were destroyed. They were short of hands so we went there to help take care of orphans. At that time I was like 17 years old so I didn’t have a lot of experience but I still wanted to challenge my self to do this task. Before going, we received some training regarding how to communicate with the kids and give them proper counseling. It was a positive experience for me because it helped me to see the world from another perspective and you know the conditions were really bad and I had to cope with all the difficulties of staying there. It was a rewarding experience for me and I learned to cherish everything and I learned about the importance of not taking things for granted.

31 Something you learned in times of hardship Describe something you learned in times of hardship What it was When it was What you did How you learned it

32 Something I learned in times of hardship was being a volunteer in 2008. I was part of a group of high school students that volunteered to help out in the reconstruction efforts after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. So many people died and many towns and villages were destroyed. They were short of hands so we went there to help take care of orphans. At that time I was like 17 years old so I didn’t have a lot of experience and I lived in a comfortable environment in the city. I didn’t have a clue about the world around me. When I went there, the conditions were really bad and people were living in a waste land. It helped me to see the world from another perspective and you know now the conditions were really bad and I had to cope all the difficulties of staying there like no internet, no warm water and sometimes there’s no electricity. It was a rewarding experience for me and I learned to cherish everything and I learned about the importance of not taking things for granted.



35 第二届 屌师深夜访谈 今晚 22:40-23:10 # 屌师雅思口语访谈 # (然后问你的问题) @ 黄瀚生 Frank 我会微博直播的方式回答问题 并且抽取 1 名 参与者参与我 24 号的结构班.

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