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Understanding Globes Lines of Latitude – Imaginary horizontal lines around the globe. *Also called Parallels Lines of Longitude – Imaginary vertical lines.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Globes Lines of Latitude – Imaginary horizontal lines around the globe. *Also called Parallels Lines of Longitude – Imaginary vertical lines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Globes Lines of Latitude – Imaginary horizontal lines around the globe. *Also called Parallels Lines of Longitude – Imaginary vertical lines around the globe. *Also called Meridians Together, these lines form the global grid. Every place on the earth has its own set of coordinates on the global grid.

2 Earth’s Hemisphere’s To help us find our location on the earth easier, we break our earth down into parts, or hemisphere’s. We divide our planet into North and South halves, OR into East and West halves.

3 Maps and Globes A globe is a scale model of Earth. It shows the actual shapes, sizes, and locations of all Earth’s landmasses and bodies of water.

4 GLOBE a model of the earth in the shape of a sphere

5 MAP Is a representation of part of the Earth

6 Comparing Types of Maps
By looking at the country of Greenland on each map, we can see how different objects appear in different ways on each map. Mercator Projection Robinson Projection Equal Area Projection

7 Parts of a Map Locator Globe: Shows you where on the globe the area of the map is located Compass Rose: Shows you direction. (North, South, East, West) Key: Shows you the symbols and colors used on the map, and what each one means. Scale Bar: Helps you find the actual distances between points shown on the map. How to use a map Mapmakers provide several clues to help you understand the information on a map. Maps provide different clues, depending on their purpose or scale. However, most maps have several clues in common.

8 Political and Physical Maps
Political Maps Physical Maps Political maps show political borders: continents and countries. The colors on political maps do not have any special meaning, but they make the map easier to read. Political maps also include symbols and labels for capitals, cities and towns. Physical maps represent what a region looks like by showing its major physical features, such as hills and plains. Physical maps also often show elevation and relief. Elevation is the height of the land above sea level. Relief shows how sharply the land rises and falls.

9 Comparing Political and Physical Maps
Political Map Physical Map On which map would it be easier to find Charlotte, North Carolina? Why? On which map would it be easier to find the highest peak in North America? Why?


11 Tools Remote sensing – obtains information about
a site by using an instrument that is Not physically in contact with the site Cairo San Francisco

12 Landsat – a series of information gathering satellites that orbit above the Earth

13 Washington D.C. (1 meter) Washington Monument

14 Geographic information systems (GPS) a system that uses a network of easrth orbiting satellites to pinpoint location

15 Tools Geographic Information System (GIS)
Is a computer based mapping technology

16 Tools Cartographer is a geographer who Creates maps Maps

17 Surveyor a person who measures the land

18 CONTENT ACCURACY A B C D No errors Few/minor errors Several errors
Divide the class into seven cooperative groups. Five groups will be assigned to one of the five themes of geography. (location, place, interaction, movement , regions) You are to draw pictures that depict your theme of geography. Two groups will be assigned to either Political Maps or Physical Maps - You are to draw pictures that depict either the physical or political features. Try to be clever and use as many vocabulary words aspossible from pages 4 & 10 THIS IS A CONTEST – WINNING TEAM GETS A PRIZE Write your theme or map at the top of the poster board names on back After all groups have finished their theme posters, a spokesperson is selected from each group. Each cooperative group will take turns having their spokesperson present their group's poster to the rest of the class, explaining why they chose the pictures that are on their poster and how the pictures relate to their theme or map. Rubric for grades CONTENT ACCURACY A Excellent; addresses all important points No errors B Good; addresses all important points Few/minor errors C Fair; addresses few important points Several errors D Poor; addresses few important points Many errors

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