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The Rise of Cities & Civilizations Mr. BETA Aim: How do civilizations develop? Do Now: What caused civilizations to develop in the Neolithic Revolution?

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Cities & Civilizations Mr. BETA Aim: How do civilizations develop? Do Now: What caused civilizations to develop in the Neolithic Revolution?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Cities & Civilizations Mr. Ott @ BETA Aim: How do civilizations develop? Do Now: What caused civilizations to develop in the Neolithic Revolution?

2 What are the Four (4) Social Studies Categories Geography: Geography: Where is it? Is the land mountainous? Desert? Isolated by Geographic Features? Where is it? Is the land mountainous? Desert? Isolated by Geographic Features? Political: Political: Government -- Who controls what? What type of government is there? Anything to do with laws or war. Government -- Who controls what? What type of government is there? Anything to do with laws or war. Economic: Economic: Trade -- What type of economy? How do people make a living? Trade -- What type of economy? How do people make a living? Social: Society & Culture – Religious, Art, Traditions, Social Class Social: Society & Culture – Religious, Art, Traditions, Social Class

3 The Start of Ancient Civilization We begin at about 9,000 years ago when village life began in the New Stone Age. Also known as the Neolithic Revolution. NEWSTONE

4 What is the REVOLUTION? A TOTALLY new way of living From: Hunter-GatherersAgriculture & Herding to

5 The invention of Agriculture changed the way people lived. Agriculture (Farming) Agriculture (Farming) Growth of Cities Growth of Cities Division of Labor (Job Specialization) Division of Labor (Job Specialization) Trade Trade Writing and Mathematics Writing and Mathematics Government Government Surplus Laws Laws = Civilization

6 Extensive and dense population People not involved in food production Monumental public buildings Ruling class living off surplus Systems of recording Exact & predictive sciences (e.g. geometry) Full-time craft specialists Long distance trade State organization based on residence rather than kingship What traits are necessary in order for a society to be a civilization? (Surplus/Specialization) (Specialization) (Government/Religion) (Government/Surplus) (Writing) (Specialization) (Specialization/Surplus) (Government )

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